My daughter told me:
"I am looking forward to going to the nursery school! I can't wait to see friends and teachers!"
After they called her name, we entered the consultation room.
The doctor came to us and examined my daughter.
She said:
"Good. OK, I will write the certificate, but I am afraid that she will only be able to go to school from tomorrow."
"What? But her fever went down last Friday, so I think that it has already been more than 2 days since then."
"Yes, but pre-school children must stay at home for three days after their fever goes down. Look at this."
"Wow! It is written in the brochure which my husband got here last time. Oh my goodness! I told my coworker that I would go to work today! Do we have to come here tomorrow again?"
"No, you don't have to, I will write it today. I understand your situation. Please put up with staying at home one more day."
I went to the clinic wearing my uniform, and I was going to the office after I took my daughter to the nursery school.
"Oh no! One more day... I am sorry, I misunderstood the day on which you can go to the nursery school. You can go there from tomorrow."
"I wanted to go to the nursery school and I wanted to see my friends and teachers..."
"Oh my poor daughter, I am really sorry."
After we came home, I had to make some phone calls to the nursery school, my son's elementary school and children's house because he didn't have to go to the children's house after school, so I had to inform both of them about it.
Of course I had to call my office to ask to take a day off again.
After I finished calling them, I called my mother to talk about this event because I knew she was worried about us.
She said:
"Your sister also had the flu. I am worrried about you and her. My family members often have the flu this year!"
Actually my husband went to his office because his fever went down last Sunday and he insisted that he had to finish his work by the end of the month.
But his fever went up again after he came home about 5pm. and it was 39 degrees Celcius (102.2 degrees Fehrenheit).
There are not any laws which say that office workers who have the flu are prohibited from going to the office like school students.
But I think he has to take a rest today even though his fever goes down.
The flu for this year is still annoying my family.
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