

My 7-year-old son's fever went down about 37.7 degrees and his appetite increased little by little.

He didn't want to lie down any more.

He said:

"Let's play Sugoroku!"

Sugoroku is one of the Japanese board games.

We have a Sugoroku which was a free gift that came with the encyclopedia of the space.

It's Doraemon themed.

We play it by rolling the dice and moving a piece forward.

Fortunately, my 5-year-old daughter won the game.

Since she is a sore loser, if she lost the game, she would surely cry.

The second winner was my 7-year-old son, the next was my husband, and I finished last.

It was a peaceful position to be in.

I was relieved that my children were able to enjoy it without crying.

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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へ


  1. Hi Kumi-san,

    Another fun post, Doraemon is so much fun.

    Here are some issues I found while reading the post:

    This line:
    My 7-year-old son's fever went down about 37.7dgrees and his appetite increased little by little.

    Should be:
    My 7-year-old son's fever went down about 37.7 degrees and his appetite increased little by little.

    This line:
    Its character is Doraemon.

    Should be:
    It's character is Doraemon.

    It's Doraemon themed.

    This line:
    We play it to roll the dice and move a piece forward.

    Should be:
    We play it by rolling the dice and moving a piece forward.

    This line:
    It was a really proper and peaceful rank.

    Question: Are you saying that you were glad to be in the position that you were in to avoid arguments/trouble? If so it could be better written as:
    It was a peaceful position to be in.

    1. Thank you Terry again!

      I would like to ask you about this issue since I couldn't make it clear, why shoud it be "it's"?
      Dose it mean "it is"?
      If so, does this sentence include two "is"??
      I wanted to say:
      "The character drawn on the pieces is Draemon.

      This line:
      Its character is Doraemon.

      Should be:
      It's character is Doraemon.

      Question: Are you saying that you were glad to be in the position that you were in to avoid arguments/trouble? If so it could be better written as:
      It was a peaceful position to be in.

      Yes, it is as you said.
      I corrected the sentences.
      Thank you!

    2. Hello Kumi-san,

      Your are right it's mean it is.

      It's can also mean it has.

      I made a mistake with this line:
      It's character is Doraemon.

      It should be:
      It's(It has) character Doraemon on the pieces.

      Although since you wanted to say:
      "The character drawn on the pieces is Doraemon.

      I think the sentence you used above is clear and you should use that, rather than what I wrote:

      "The character drawn on the pieces is of Doraemon.


      "The character drawn on the pieces are of Doraemon.

      Sorry for the confusion.
