
I'm home!

Since I worked yesterday, I asked my husband to make dinner.

I recommended that Nabe (hot pan) would be the best menu because it is very easy to prepare and we can get warm from it.

Recently it has been very cold and it gets dark aruond 5pm.

I came back home at 5:30pm yesterday.

When I was about to open the entrance door, I could smell something good.

I thought, oh yes, my husband is making Nabe

It warmed my heart.

Many father feel these kind of emotions when they come home.

"I am home!"

I entered our house.

My children were playing using my computer.

My 6-year-old son likes drawing pictures using Paint.

These are his works.

This is a Sinkansen (bullet train)!

This is a Christmas tree.

My 5-year-old daughter likes imitating me typing using MS-Word.

It is almost like an objectionable literature!
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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へ



  1. Another entertaining post Kumi-san. You have developed very artistic children.

    I read the post and checked it for any writing style issues.

    Here are the ones I think would need minor changes:

    This line:

    Recently it is very cold and it gets dark aruond 5pm.

    May sound more natural as:

    Recently it has been very cold and it gets dark around 5pm.

    This line:

    I came back home at 5:30 yesterday.

    May sound more natural as:

    I came back home at 5:30 yesterday evening.


    I came back home at 5:30pm yesterday.

    This line:

    I thought my husband was making Nabe.

    Would probably be clearer as:

    I remembered my husband was making Nabe.


    I thought can be interpreted as I (thought/was under the impression) my husband was making nabe, but he wasnt.

    You could also add more words to make it more explicit:

    I thought, my husband is making Nabe


    I thought, oh yes, my husband is making Nabe

    This line:

    I felt my heart became warm.

    Would sound more natural as:

    It warmed my heart or I got a warm feeling in my heart.

    This line:

    Many father can feel such kind of emotion when they come home.

    Would sound more natual as:

    Many fathers feel these kind of emotions when they come home.


    Many a father feels these kind of emotions when they come home.

    This line:

    This is a Sinkansen (bullet train)!

    I am not sure but should it be spelt Shinkansen (しんかんせん) (sorry if this is not the case but my Hiragana skills are not very developed and I have only ever seen bullet train written in kanji or Hiragana so I am not certain of the right way to do it in English)?

    Congratulations to your son for an impressive drawing of a Bullet Train. I have never been able to draw anything in Ms Paint that has looked as impressive as his しんかんせん, and your daughter will soon be typing novels.

    As always great post, all the issues I found were small and can mostly be ignored as they did not alter the point you were wanting to convey.

    Terry Wallwork

  2. Hello Terry.
    Thank you for your help!
    Shinkansen and Sinkansen (しんかんせん) are same. We write "し" as "shi" or "si" in Roman character so both are correct.

    1. Oh excellent, thank-you for the clarification. Those trains are amazing. I wish we had such trains here. I also would be happy if they were on schedule like your trains :)
